Just Been Fired? Things To Do And Not Do

Consider this scenario: Victor Sterringhom (not a real name) was fired form a tech startup. Instantly, he went on twitter and let out a series of rants where he badmouthed specific people at his former company. Without knowing the specifics in the above scenario, do you think what Mr Steringham did was professional? Most people…

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Why You Did Not Get That Job

Majority of job seekers have received a regret letter at one time or the other. Usually, these regret letters are received with feelings of derision and disgust, then discarded. However, it is of great benefit if you know why you received a regret letter rather than an invitation to come resume work. You would be…

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5 Tips To Make Your Cover Letter A Charm

For many competitive positions, majority of the applications do not go beyond the resume submission stage. To get themselves past this stage, many applicants pay hundreds of dollars to résumé consultants. While you may be able to get good results from these consultants, you have to consider the possibility that your cover letter could be…

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Construction In Boston Is Booming, Employment On The Rise

It seems almost surreal to say, but the Boston-Cambridge region has seen a 5% increase in construction employment over last year. The Downtown Boston area is the biggest leader in the state. In fact, there was some small contraction of jobs in other parts of the state, but Boston was able to compensate to bring…

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Why You Should Use An Employment Agency To Get A Job

Have you ever turned down the opportunity to interview for a position because you found out you were being interviewed by a staffing agency? If so, you may have done a foolish thing. There are so many myths that may stop job seekers from getting a job. People have wrong information about employment agencies and…

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How To Use Interviews To Employ The Best Candidates

How many wrong hires have you made this year? Did you conduct interviews for them? Interviews are a popular means of choosing between candidates or deciding if a candidate should get the job. However, it is very easy to interview wrongly and hire a candidate that would fail. How do you get the best out…

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Why You Should Take That Low Paying Job

Imagine you are married with three high school age kids. You are earning $150000 a year. Yet you are not satisfied with your job. You feel there is something missing in the job. You would like to do what you love. Unfortunately, what you love pays $90000 a year. What would you do? Many job…

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Finding a Job on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one the world’s largest professional networking sites. There are thousands of companies and hundreds of thousands of professionals in every industry and at every level. Finding a job on LinkedIn requires some persistence and ingenuity, but it can be done. In fact, it’s done every day. This is a short guide to finding…

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Government Jobs: The Secret! Only $99.95! (Not really, it’s free!)

Back before the Internet you would see those ads all the time, “Complete list of government jobs. Pay just $99.95 and we will send you a complete list every month for a year.” There are thousands of government jobs available. They are all over the country. The pay is great and the benefits are excellent.…

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Can’t Find Work? Try Freelancing

We know it can be hard to find work. Even though the economy is improving and things are looking better, lots of things have changed since the Great Recession and the collapse of Wall Street, again. Lots of the old type jobs are gone. Manufacturing is moving overseas. Technology is out-pacing most people’s ability to…

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