Why am I being ignored by the recruiter?

Hаvе you еvеr wоndеrеd why уоu do not hеаr back frоm rесruitеrѕ? Well tо аnѕwеr thаt ԛuеѕtiоn, thеrе аrе mаnу аѕресtѕ оf thе rесruiting/intеrviеwing process thаt wе must undеrѕtаnd. Aѕ with аnуthing in lifе, there are nееdѕ and wаntѕ. Fоr еxаmрlе, I nееd tо еаt fооd; I wаnt a nеw car. With recruiters, they need…

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Strategic Measures To Take When Hiring

Staffing industry is known to select the right employee based on the requirements placed by the employers. To our surprise, we analyzed that most of these top notch recruiting agencies or staffing consultancies do not understand and follow the steps involved while recruiting an individual. So for the sake of all, here are few strategic…

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Creating Training Materials: A Basic Guideline

In today’s work place, most employees need training. In order to carry out business successfully and serve customers and clients well, an employer must have a well trained workforce. As a result, many employers spend large sums of money to train their staff. If you don’t create and use good training materials, you may be…

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A Guide To Selecting A Staffing Agency

Regardless of the size of your business, it is important to have the best human capital. The quality of your staff is an important factor in the success of your company. However, there are many costs and issues that come with hiring. Small businesses, in particular, face challenges in recruiting. One way of simplifying recruitment…

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Beyond Money: How To Motivate Employees

As a business leader, you must be able to motivate your employees in order to get the best out of them. Many leaders often think that money is the only way to motivate employees. Give them a raise! However, this does not work all the time because employees need some things other than money to…

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Why You Should Work Smart

FACT: The hardest working people are not necessarily the most successful. It is not bad to work hard but working hard in most cases is just basically putting in physical and mental efforts to achieve limited results. By working smart , you can supercharge your efforts and achieve more than your peers. You should focus…

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How To Become Indispensable To Your Employer

In 2014, we would have hoped that the employment situation would be better than 2008. However, everywhere you turn to, jobs are drying up and employers are constantly restructuring and firing. It can be difficult to hold down a job in such situations. However, there are people who are able to prove their importance and…

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Building Team Spirit In Your Business

Regardless of the size of the business that you are running, it is essential that the people work as a team. Not just in teams but as a team. Team work helps to increase employee engagement and in turn, improve employee performance which will then translate to higher business performance. By building a culture of…

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Encouraging Your Employees To Learn And Develop

Do you want to increase your business profits? Of course, every business owner would answer yes to that question. One good way of increasing productivity and adding something to the bottom line is to get your employees to improve themselves both in terms of skills and ideas. Many employers don’t push their employees to improve…

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